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Mangoes (Mangifera indica) is one of the tropical fruits, commonly called as "King of Fruits". Pakistan is the fifth-largest producer and third-largest exporter of mangoes in the world. Its soil and climatic conditions enable production and market supplies of good quality fresh mangoes over a period of about five to…
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FRUITS MANDARIN MANDARIN Kinnow is a member of Citrus family. It was developed from a lengthy hybridization process, through the cross-breeding of two other varieties ‘King’ and ‘Will Leaf’. It is indigenous product from Pakistan. The finest of all the citrus fruits regard this fruit rich in flavor with exquisite taste. It is…
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Portfolio APPLE APPLE The apple, fruit of the apple tree, species “Malus” in the rose family. Apple fruit tree is cultivated widely and originated in Asia. There are more than 8000 known apple fruit cultivars like red delicious apple, golden delicious apple, gala apple, granny smith apple, pink lady apple, etc.…
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