




Mangoes (Mangifera indica) is one of the tropical fruits, commonly called as “king of fruits“. Pakistan is the fifth largest producer and third largest exporter of mangoes in the world. Its soil and climatic conditions enable production and market supplies of good quality fresh mangoes over a period of about five to six months.

Pakistani mangoes are one of the most popular and best-loved fruits worldwide, therefore, enjoy a prominent position in the international market. Because of its excellent flavor, attractive fragrance, beautiful shades of color, delicious taste and healthful value, Pakistani mangoes are now recognized as one of the supreme fruit in the world market.

According to latest scientific research as well as of folk wisdom are known to increase the body resistance against the dysentery, cholera and tuberculosis. It is said “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, this is equally to of the mango. According to our local tradition, raw mango season with the pinch of salt quenches thirst and loss of iron in the body, which occurs due to excessive sweating during the sultry summer.

Mangoes have more carotenoids than most other fruits – and that helps toward off colds and reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Mangoes are a great source of beta – carotene, an antioxidant, which protects the body against the damaging effects of radicals, which helps down the aging. They are rich in vitamin A, contain significant qualities of vitamin E, and are a better source of fiber. We supply Mango to various parts of Balochistan in Pakistan, Central Asia and middle east.


Standard Packing (Kgs) Printed Corrugated Box

Standard Size

300gms to 450gms and plus.

Seasonal Availability